JSG is born from our desire to show the potential of the Haut-Jura area for enduro mountain biking. We are convinced by the quality of the trails and we will be very happy to show you around.

Our team

JSG team is centered around François, Pro MTB and certified bike instructor, and Thomas, ski patroller in winter, trail builder in summer.

Ski patroller in winter, he is a fan of mountainbiking during summer time. Thomas knows perfectly the area, he will be happy to advise you about trails choices, depending you expectations and level. He his highly involved in the trail building community.

Certified bike instructor and enduro pro rider, he his our main guide, pro-tips included. As local as can be, he has been an enduro race organizer and trail builder for years.


Not convinced about the potential of the place? Have a look at the film about 2018 Enduro Jura by Julbo race!

More photos and videos on the Facebook page of the event :
